Category: General
Lighting Requirements for Chameleons: Keeping Your Pet Healthy
So, you’ve got a chameleon, and you’re wondering, “What’s the deal with lighting? Why is everyone so obsessed with UVB and basking lights?” I get it. When I first got my veiled chameleon, I was clueless. I thought, “How hard can it be? Just throw in a light bulb, and we’re good, right?” Spoiler alert:…
Do Chameleons eat their own poop?
Yes, chameleons eat their own poop but it’s unusual. Chameleons aren’t known for eating their own poop on purpose. But, and this is a big but, sometimes they might accidentally ingest small amounts when they’re catching prey or cleaning themselves. Some animals, like rabbits and guinea pigs, do eat their poop on purpose. This is…
Do Chameleons eat their own Babies?
Sometimes, yes, chameleons eat their own babies. Shocking, right? It’s not a common occurrence, but it does happen in both wild and captive chameleons. Here’s a quick breakdown: Species Likelihood of eating babies Veiled chameleons Higher chance Panther chameleons Less common Jackson’s chameleons Rare It’s important to note that not all chameleons are baby-eating monsters.…
Do Chameleons eat their own Shed?
No, it’s uncommon for chameleons of any species don’t typically eat their own shed. They’re not like some other lizards who see their old skin as a snack. Why some reptiles eat their shed Some lizards do eat their shed, though. It’s like recycling for reptiles! They do it to: Comparing chameleons to other shed-eating…
Can Chameleons drink Tap Water?
This is a tricky one.. yes, chameleons can drink tap water but it depends. While tap water isn’t immediately harmful to chameleons, it’s not the ideal choice. The safety of tap water for your chameleon buddy depends on several factors: Understanding chameleon hydration needs Before we go deep into the tap water question, let’s chat…
Why are Chameleons considered hard to care for?
Chameleons are fascinating creatures that have captured the hearts of exotic pet enthusiasts worldwide. With their color-changing abilities and unique appearance, it’s no wonder they’ve become popular pets. However, these remarkable reptiles come with a set of challenges that make many wonder “are chameleons easy to care for”? Let’s dive into the world of chameleon…